Adult Bare Minimums: Finance

I think you have to be complete moron to be an adult and not have basic personal finance knowledge down.

In the United States a shocking percentage of the population doesn’t know or even seem like they care to have the knowledge of personal finance. This goes far beyond basic finance, it really covers almost all areas in life. When you become an adult you will quickly be gobsmacked by how willfully ignorant most people are.

I’m not going to go too deep into how insane people are in this regard, it almost seems after people are graduated from school they make a vow to never learn anything ever again, no matter how easy and beneficial it may be. I mean a large portion of our society doesn’t even cook for themselves anymore.

How Easy Is Personal Finance?

People treat personal finance like learning math, and to be fair… that’s really all it is. The funny thing is any basic finance concept is made up entirely of math which any elementary school graduate will have a solid grasp on. If you know how to do addition, subtraction, and multiplication you are pretty much all set


Here we go I’m about to unleash all basic finance secrets upon you!!! Not financial advice (idk why that needs to be said honestly lol)


There that should about cover everything. I can go into all the formulas, advice and other nonsense but at the end of the day being financially competant is as easy as passing an elementary math class (Literally).

There is no guide that will suddenly make someone financially competant, there are things to bolster knowledge for sure and I recommend looking into that. But in this country people don’t even try. So just know that this stuff is dead easy and be responsible.